Sunday 2 July 2006

A couple of firsts...

What an exciting few days I've been having. Not only seeing Gladys Knight and a Pip but also...


No, not the Frankie Goes To Hollywood 'greatest hits', but my vacuum cleaner.

I'm not the most house-proud person in south London by any means but even I get round to some domestic chores eventually. Saturday afternoon and I decided to do some hoovering. I was getting on really well, quite slowly because of my bad back (and all-round laziness) but acres of wonderfully clean carpet were emerging. When BANG! and smoke starts pouring out the back of the machine.

Ooops... I've obviously done something wrong somehow. That just shows how dangerous housework can be, when basic implements just explode on you at the drop of a hat ...

Shoddy workmanship, I say - it's only 15 years old, after all.


I had my first diabeatnik 'incident' on Friday. Because I'm new to the club it'll take a while to get my blood sugar levels properly under control (it's quite un-disciplined at the moment) and it can either go hypoglycaemic (too low) or hyperglycaemic (too high). Mine was too high on Friday lunchtime. It's a wierd feeling and difficult to describe - 'knowing' something is 'wrong' but not being able to put your finger on it, then sweating and lips tingling and going numb.

Needing to walk off some of the excess sugar I headed up to Boots on the High Road for a tester kit so I could start monitoring my blood sugar levels. A nice 15 minute hobble should help get my glucose levels down. Boots didn't have any kits so I walked up towards Streatham Hill to the big pharmacy and got a tester kit there. The long walk back (via Sainsbury's) helped a lot and I was feeling much better on the way home (except now, of course, my back pain kicked in).

When I had finally read the instructions, set up the tester and tested myself I was at 6.7 (I don't know what 6.7 actually means, but 'normal' is between 3-6) so that's not bad at all. Gawd knows what I was before walking it off. I tested again yesterday and I was 8.4 so last night's long journey home probably helped a lot!

So there we are, my first exploding vacuum cleaner and my first hyper - do I lead the exciting life or what?

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