Thursday 7 September 2006

Feckity feck feck

I can feel my osteophytes. O yes I can. I can feel them grinding and gnashing.

Osteophytes are boney growths on the vertebrae and when a disc degenerates they start rubbing together. It feels most odd. I could feel mine rubbing on the way home tonight and I can still feel them (I need to take magick pills).

I think it might result from how I've been sitting today. I've had three meetings in the same room today (one of the few in my building with a fully functioning whiteboard) and the seats in that room are odd and too big. Apparently the table we sit around is the meeting table from Michael Portillo's old private office when he was Secretary of State for Employment way back in the day. I probably spent about four hours in those seats (with short breaks inbetween). I think that's what's done it. Or, at least, I can't think of any other reason for feeling like this.

I need pills and then bed. And sleep would be nice.

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