Wednesday 9 August 2006


O yes, that's what it is, down right sneaky.

Last week I realised at the gym that I can't really do push-ups because it puts pressure on my lower back and makes me go 'ouch'. So, what does my trainer do? He's come up with a way of doing the same exercise but sitting up, exercising the same muscle groups but without the 'ouch' factor.

Now, if that's not sneaky I don't know what is!


redhairedqueer said...

Please explain ...

Owen said...

Basically, hold weights in your hands against you shoulders and then push horizontally outwards with him providing resistence by pressing against the weights. Does that make sense?

chrisv said...


he could slip and bang his head on the weights.

I of course have no upper body strength so I cannot help you with this....

By the way I knew if I did this long enough I would get a rude verification code: gocum