Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Amanda Palmer and the David Lynch Foundation

Amanda has donated 'In My Mind (The Sweet As Mix)' to a new record raising funds for the David Lynch Foundation, 'Download For Good'. This is what she says about the song:

I wrote this song in Otford, Australia. I was about to begin a one-week yoga retreat with a bunch of like-minded, friendly Australian yogis. My mind was churning and spinning with chatter and judgement. I took myself down to a grove in the rain, ukulele in hand, and sat down at a picnic table to write this self-deprecating and yet (hopefully) truthful homage to the difficulty of accepting what and where our minds take us. I find it so hard to accept myself and my over-distracted shortcomings... sometimes just reflecting on THAT itself feels like a herculean accomplishment.

It's a beautiful song from her 'Amanda Palmer Goes Down Under' album. Here's the video:

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