Wednesday 30 March 2011

Poly Styrene - 'Generation Indigo' Track By Track

Here's a nice interview with Poly talking about some of the tracks from her new album, 'Generation Indigo' along with some samples of some of the songs. The video's been around for a week or so but I wanted to listen to the album first, rather than just snatches of songs.

It's a great album and Poly's on top form both lyrically and musically and she sounds great. It's a mix of styles, with pop, dance and thrash, and with some reggae thrown in for good measure. I made a point of listening to it from start to finish in the right order rather than dipping into the tracks on shuffle and it works both as an album with effective sequencing and as a collection of songs to dip into and sample.

I got my merch bundle yesterday that included the album in 'book' format, with a lyric booklet and five limited edition prints along with a Poly Styrene signature pin and a tote bag - not sure what I'll do with the bag but I'll wear the pin with pride (and take care not to lose it!).

Thank you Poly - this is a great return and a great present to all of us. Get well soon!

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