Friday 4 May 2007

On The Town

The latest theatrical trip was to see the English National Opera's revival of 'On The Town' at The Coliseum. You know the story - three young sailors on shore leave in New York for 24 hours in search of fun and laughter and instead they all find love, of differing varieties, or at least they all get their girls.

What I hadn't quite factored in was that since this was the ENO then there'd be a load of operatic voices and I'd forgotten about the ballet/modern dance bits, neither of which are particular favourites. There was a large cast, the stage full of people in meticulous but often dull costumes, and there wasn't much by way of scenery, mainly metal girders in different forms. On that large stage I was expecting colour to burst out at us as the sailors explore New York but it was mainly quite muted and gray. I'm not entirely sure what the production was trying to say about New York.

It was a event of highs and lows for me, with the energy and dash of the stage full of people during 'New York New York, it's a helluva town' and the quite gentle 'Lucky To Be Me' and the lows were the ballet bits. Enough said.

It was great to see June Whitfield, marvelously playing her role in an understated and controlled way, tossing off her quips with perfect timing, a proper actress rather than a singer or dancer.

There are only 20 shows in this run (not sure why there are so few). I'm pleased I've seen it but I won't be hoping to go back again.

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