Tuesday 6 April 2010

Amanda Palmer - 'Do You Swear To Tell The Truth ...?'

Amanda has just given the world a free new song, 'Do You Swear To Tell The Truth The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth So Help Your Black Ass'. Naturally I downloaded it instantly and you should too. Do the clicky thing here and donate some money for the privilege via Paypal. It has the lovely refrain of "... and I've already spent too much time doing things I didn't want to...", something we can all probably relate to.

The reason for this gift to the world? Amanda is finally free from Roadrunner Records and can now make music and give it away if she wants to. So she has done just that. Read her 'freedom' blog here. I'm happy for Amanda, this is good news indeed. Now, all we need is for the Evelyn record and tour to be a roaring success and then for Amanda to head into the studio and record a new album... and then tour it.

Oh, and give me another great big hug, of course.

Punk cabaret is freedom!

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