Sunday 29 March 2009

Amanda Gets Me In Trouble

My admiration of the lovely Amanda Palmer is well reported in this blog. As a loyal admirer I do, of course, let others know and I've recently been wearing the "AFP" badge I got last year when Miss Palmer played at Koko on her 'Who Killed Amanda Palmer' tour. Just three yellow initials on a purple background.

The last two days have seen me upset two people asking what "AFP" means and, I upset someone at work earlier this year. I was in the Body Shop on Friday and was asked what it meant and then again at the Ritzy last night I was asked by the box office lady. I, quite factually, respond that it stands for "Amanda Fucking Palmer" to be met with flushed faces and flustered, 'oh, right...' followed by a stammering attempt to change the subject.

Maybe mild mannered middle aged men with nicely groomed beards aren't meant to use the word "fuck", or at least not in the presence of women? Two days running is a bit noticeable really. Well, I hope you're proud of yourself Miss Palmer. I think I'll go back to declaring my allegiances with my 'Punk Cabaret Is Freedom' badge instead.