Monday 6 November 2006

Just Call Me 'Imelda'

Some people are good at shopping and some people ain't. I'm in the second category. Pick something up then put it down - repeat ad nauseum, get half way to the till and then turn round and put it back. Whatever it is. Particularly if it involves trying it on.

For some reason I just don't like that, trying on trousers or suits or shoes, so it always takes me ages and I need to work up to it. I don't quite understand why since I'm happy enough to strip off in the gym changing room and let it all hang out.

So, I'm proud to announce to the world at large that I have purchased not one, but two pairs of shoes in the last four days. It must be well over a year since I last bought shoes. With both pairs I just saw them and noticed they had 'Owen' written all over them in big green felt pen (well, figuratively speaking, anyway).

Bring on some weather for me to test out the totally waterproof qualities of my noo shoooes! I'm ready for it!

(Well, I will be ready when I get a new coat, but that'll mean trying it on first ...).

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