Tuesday 22 February 2011

Poly Styrene B-Conscious

I heard the bad news this evening that Poly Styrene has cancer. Apparently it emerged in an interview with the Sunday Times over the weekend and I've just caught up with it.

This can't be right, I thought, she's just come back to us, she can't leave already. That, of course, is a stupid thought. Poly is a punk goddess and goddesses don't just leave. Like Kali, Poly would take a city with her when she left and that's not likely. More likely is that Poly will take us pogoing like mad on her flower aeroplane, chanting the name of god, or, I suspect, the name of our goddess.

I'm sending out karmic vibes while listening to the mantra-beats of 'Flower Aeroplane'. That will be followed with some manic punk goodness about the world turning day-glo. Let's remember, as Poly said, 'it's just a trick of the witch, she flicks the on-off switch'.

Take care Poly, be strong and beat it. You can do it - just B-Conscious. I believe.

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