Friday 24 December 2010

Viv Albertine - 'Home Sweet Home ( Christmas)'

I'm very pleased to have found this new song just in time for Christmas, Viv Albertine's 'Home Sweet Home (... at Christmas)', available to download from Viv's website for the grand total of 0 pence - go and download it now. Apparently it's a re-working of a song that will be her new single in the new year, 'Confessions of a MILF'. I didn't know that Viv had started making music again - how are you supposed to find out about these things? For the last 28 years or so since the demise of The Slits Viv has been a film director and artist but released her first four-track EP earlier this year, 'Flesh', and has a cover of 'Letter To Hermione' on the latest David Bowie tribute album. And, delightfully, both are available to download from Amazon and iTunes. If you liked The Slits or just like alternative takes on what music could sound like, then go on and download Viv's songs - I'm thoroughly enjoying them. I also like the potted biography of Viv on the home page to her website (such as Joe Strummer taught her to tap her foot and play guitar at the same time) so click on over for a read!

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