Thursday, 1 November 2012

Charity Box - The First Half

I told you about Dawn Amber Harvey's Charity Box a few weeks ago and it happened tonight. I was here. Well, I was there for the first half before the effects of a long day set in and I disappeared at a break in the proceedings.

It's quite a feat to draw together some of the names of alternative cabaret for an innovative event to raise money to continue a masters degree. That in itself deserves a round of applause for being brave enough to even try, let alone pull it off. Also worth mention is that I had a pint of Guinness for, I think, the first time this year. Well done me.

Our hostess for the evening was Eve Ferrett who sang some songs and delivered some patter and got us all singing along to the chorus of 'Crazy Horses' by The Osmonds (luckily I knew the words). We had Dexter Clark telling us about his glamourous celebrity friends and their hairstyles and the glitter-face of Marcus Reeves singing his new single, 'Black Tears', available to download on Monday. We had Sharia Law singing songs to the audience and singing the first few lines of 'Santa Claus Is Coming To Town' to me and saying I looked like Santa (yay! mission accomplished early!).

We also had the very tall Jonny Woo singing 'Dressed As A Girl' and inviting the audience on stage with him (I, obviously, declined). I liked this electro-ditty and look what I've found courtesy of YouTube:

Congratulations to Dawn for pulling all this together. And congratulations for getting on stage in a blue wig (to match her red hair) to join in Jonny's backing dance troupe! How dd I miss that photo opportunity? If you like innovation and a daring attempt to fundraise, you can put a few pounds in the coffer by clicking here.

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