Monday 21 January 2008

The Big Polo Mint

Despite the operation last year, I'm still having problems with my back so turned up at St George's Hospital this evening for an MRI scan, or a lie down in the big polo mint as I think of it. I think this was my third scan but it's still a strange experience. It's also a bit odd how I'm seeing stripping to briefs and wearing a backless gown as somehow a natural state!

You lie on a bench that moves in and out of the scanner as needed so it's not like you've got to do anything. They put padded headphones on you to muffle the sound (which is incredibly loud) and give you an emergency button to press and then move you into the scanner - that's a bit claustrophobic since there's not much space but do-able.

I decided that the weird loud sounds the machine makes were from a 1970s TV sci-fi show like 'Dr Who' or 'Blake's 7'. It's difficult to describe but imagine a few '70s zap guns going off and you're close. I would've thought they'd have found a way to make it quieter by now.

I was in the mint for about 20 minutes and during that time felt the odd tingle and it felt like my back was warming up. That might've been psychosomatic though.

It'll probably be a few weeks before I hear the result but I'm used to that by now.

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