Friday, 28 November 2008


I am known in certain circles for my taste in films. Films that aren't, generally speaking, often deemed to have much merit but which I'm happy to watch endlessly. Films like 'The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen', 'Van Helsing' and 'Serenity'. I even have (ahem) 'Aeonflux' on DVD and watched it the other night.

Now, I don't know what it is about those films that attracts me. Maybe it's the wild fantasy escapism, the special effects pushing CGI to the limit or maybe just the good old mad adventure film that litters the history of celluloid.

But even I have my limits. I wasted a couple of hours of my life last night watching 'Ultraviolet'. It was so bad I found myself doing work on my laptop while watching without actually noticing I'd started commenting on a draft paper... Most of it looked like a bad computer game with cheap graphics. Clearly the director was striving for a stylized vision of a future world but I'm afraid he failed. Just dreadful.

At least that suggests that I do have *some* taste when it comes to fillums. Phew!

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