Thursday 25 September 2008

Butter Wouldn't Melt...

Y'know, I can forgive my heroes virtually anything and in the case of John Lydon I suspect there's always a tongue near a cheek. The blogosphere has been a-buzz for the past week with the news that John will advertise Country Life butter and all the jokes have already been made ("God Save The Cream"). I've ignored it really - if John wants to advertise something why shouldn't he?

This evening one of the latest tidbits was on which outlines the theme of the campaign. It reported:

Country Life has revealed images for its television campaign featuring former Sex Pistol John Lydon.

Lydon was revealed as the new face of Country Life by last week. The Dairy Crest-owned brand has devised a £5 million relaunch campaign with Grey London that debuts on Wednesday (1 October).

The TV ad sees Lydon, once called Johnny Rotten, travelling around Britain questioning why he enjoys Country Life butter before deciding he buys it because he thinks it tastes best. The strapline is “It’s not about Great Britain, it’s about Great Butter”.

Aw, isn't that nice? John traveling round talking to the camera... hang on, that's like the documentary he did as one of the extras on the Brixton gigs DVD, travelling round London and telling us why London used to be so great before property developers got involved. Deja vu, n'est ce pas?

Still, if it's a £5m campaign then I really hope he's pocketing at least £1m. Go for it Mr Lydon!

1 comment:

Gillian said...

I know one of the morris dancers in the advert. Apparently Lydon was a delight.

I prefer Kerrygold personally.