Wednesday 31 March 2010

'Avenue Q' at Wyndham's Theatre

What do you do after a long day? You wander down to Avenue Q of course - all life is there. I first saw the show in New York in 2005 and then twice in 2006 when it came to London - I can't believe it's four years since I last saw the show. It's full of life and laughter and no little wisdom (in the shape of the Bad Idea Bears, my heroes).

I don't know what it is about the show but I had a big ole smiley grin on my face throughout, learning how it sucks to be me, about Lucy The Slut, about racism and the true purpose of the Internet. And, strangely, we were in Row Q of the stalls. In front of us was row upon row of young men in suits - was it some kind of conference evening out or something? and why did they have a stuffed badger? Um... moving on ...

The stars of the show are, of course, the puppets, but some of the characters are actually human and I was pleased to see Delroy Atkinson playing Gary Coleman - Delroy played Hamilton in Ray Davies's 'Come Dancing' at Stratford East, one of my favourite theatrical experiences in recent years. I also liked Jaqueline Tate who had a nice presence and a nice voice as Christmas Eve. Of course, I couldn't possibly comment on Kate and Princeton having sex on stage, rather loudly I might add.

Lucy The Slut always makes her mark with swaying hips and swinging bosoms and Trekkie as the porn king, but it's the Bad Idea Bears that I love. They are full of advice on how buying more beer makes it cheaper and, if you need to commit suicide, they helpfully have a rope, and always with a smile on their faces. Luckily I have my own Bad Idea Bear.

Everyone should see 'Avenue Q' at least once in their lives.

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