Wednesday 3 February 2010

Suzanne Vega - 'Close Up'

Did you know there was a new album from Suzanne Vega available? No, I didn't either - until tonight! And, of course, I've just ordered it. Click on over to the Suzanne Vega Store for details and order it.

According to the blurb:

Suzanne Vega is reinterpreting a majority of her catalog in an intimate and personal manner, creating 4 new thematic albums that will be released over the next 2 years. The first is Suzanne Vega Close-Up, Vol 1, Love Songs, which will include Marlene on the Wall, Caramel, Gypsy, Small Blue Thing and many more!

And, of the first album, Suzanne says:

These are songs that I have written over the years and now re-recorded. I wanted to give you, the listener, a small sort of gift. These are the songs I consider love songs, although they are also songs of attraction, flirtation, and confrontation. Thanks for listening.

With Love,


If you pre-order you get an instant download of 'Marlene On The Wall' which sounds excellent, with Suzanne's voice as beautiful as ever. New songs would be best, but I'm more than happy with re-interpretations, especially if they're all as good as 'Marlene'.

The frustrating thing is that Suzanne is playing way out in some town in New Jersey while I'm in New York - so near and yet so far...


chrisv said...

oooer... odd move. But I guess it keeps the fanbase happy.

I wonder what theme 'Luka' comes under?

Will said...

Luka will be on Vol 2. People, Places and Things. Out at the end of 2010. Seriously.