The end of an era is probably too strong but I've never been in the same job for so long before - seven years in my current job. I've done lots of different things over the years and the job has changed every year or so, but it's all been in the same broad area. That ended today and I technically start my new job tomorrow. To get an early start date I've agreed with both my current and future bosses that I'll work to both of them for the rest of May and I just need to manage my time effectively. I wanted to start my new job straight away so I can at least get my feet under the desk before having the slipped disc operation.
Monday's an odd day to have a last day, even as a technical last day. Most people in my Unit were out today, either on leave, working from home or in meetings, so it was a bit empty. But it's the only day my boss was available for the ritual humiliation that is the 'leaving speech'. Mine was quite flattering really, and focused on the things I dislike (quite vocally at times) about my current job but which are some of my biggest successes, like not being keen on researchers but creating one of the best evidence bases for any policy across the Department and not approving of international work but hosting the biggest international ministerial seminar on technology in schools anywhere in the world. Aw shucks, but it's true y'know.

I was very touched with the leaving card and gifts too. Some very nice messages in the card and the pressies are lovely. A mahoosively colourful (but tasteful) tie, cufflinks with colourful edges (doesn't show up in the photo) and a small bottle of champagne. All beautifully wrapped in stripey paper and presented in a stripey gift bag as in the photo. I love the tie and cufflinks, they're so me, and the champagne won't last long but I'm very touched that Jeannine and Susan spent so long choosing them and seeking out a stripey gift bag to round it all off. I don't deserve it. Here's a photo - it doesn't do the tie justice but it's definitely me. I'll wear it to my first meeting with ministers in my new job and my first public meeting with stakeholders - they'll need to get used to colour!
I'll still be working in my current job for the next couple of weeks really and have agreed to keep some work till it's conclusion in late June so it's not exactly goodbye forever. Before I finally leave we'll have to have the traditional 'leaving do' when more people are around. It's an odd feeling to leave after so long but not really to leave. I'm looking forward to my new job - a new challenge and I need that so badly - but I'm a bit sad to leave some really nice people behind.
1 comment:
And they talk about that Blair bloke finishing his job... this is much more important.
Good luck for tomorrow!
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