Thursday 22 June 2006

My last emergency Cybill

I recently got the DVDs for the first series of 'Cybill' and have been waiting for the right time to lie back and enjoy them. Today was that day.

I did my physio exercises, made a nice mug of earl grey, positioned myself (in a supportive way) on the couch and pressed >play< ... and laughed myself silly!

For those of you who need a reminder, the blurb tells us that:

Cybill Sheridan (Cybill Shepherd) is a working actress in her forties, living in natural disaster-prone Los Angeles, striving to find meaningful roles and maintain a living in an industry that worships youth.

Keeping everything in perspective are her two daughters (Dedee Pfeiffer and Alicia Witt), two ex-husbands (Alan Rosenberg and Tom Wopat) and a best friend (Christine Baranski), who is the best at turning lifeƕs little predicaments into hysterical and humbling one-liners.

This four DVD box [three actually] set contains all 13 episodes from series one and features guest appearances by Tim Matheson, Erik Estrada, George Hamilton, Morgan Fairchild, Neil McDonough, Bruce Davison, Jonathan Frakes, Peter Bogdanovich, Kevin Sorbo, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Elliott Gould and Burt Reynolds plus many more...

I don't often laugh out loud at things on the telly but 'Cybill' has that unknown magic ingredient that tickles my funny bone. I watched the first two discs back to back and decided to save the last disc for an emergency 'cheer-up' at some point in the future.

I went onto the wondrous Interweb , answered some work emails and accidentally went onto Amazon and lo and behold, series two will be available in August. Might I need an emergency Cybill before August? Probably, but I've got series three of the Mary Tyler Moore Show winging its way to me even as I type, and that should see me through any emergencies, so I took the hard decision. I used my emergency Cybill - and I'm pleased I did! What a great show that was!

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