Monday 19 December 2011

Slade at Koko

Last week I saw 75% of original SLADE live on stage. I saw Sir Noddy Holder at Union Chapel narrating a fun, new version of 'A Christmas Carol' and last night I saw Dave Hill and Don Powell as part of their version of Slade at Koko. Now all I need to do is bump into Jim Lea and that'll be all four of the Lords of Noize.

The gig at Koko was a benefit for The Lords Taverners and was filmed for a DVD release next year. Mike Read introduced Slade who bounded on and roared into 'We'll Bring The House Down'. Then followed a set lasting about 90 minutes alternating between hits from the 70s and hits from the 80s. It's easy to forget that SLADE had two bites at the cherry with a string of mega-hits in the first half of the 70s and then again in the early 80s. How many bands have managed that kind of longevity?

They were in fine form last night, Don pounding away on his drums virtually without stop, finishing one song and starting straight in on the next, and Dave doing what he does best, posing with his guitar and getting us doing anything he wanted. Back in the day Dave said that Nod and Jim would write the songs and he'd sell 'em through his costumes, his antics and his show biz. He sold them back then by the million and he's still doing it now. It was a pleasure to see him running across the stage, pose during a solo, jump on the riser to be seen above the crowd, run back to the mic for his vocals, still full of energy, humour and cheeky smiles.

It was a show of the hits - that's all we heard, hit after hit after hit, so many great songs and all the audience knew them. And it was a funny audience - I sort of expected the audience to be largely blokes in their 50s (and there were lots of them) but there was a healthy sprinkling of women and young people, some seemed to be with the oldies (presumably their parents?) but there was a goodly load of youngsters with each other, which is a good thing with a new audience for Slade.

It must be strange for John Berry and Mal McNulty to be part of the band but not the part we want to see - we want Nod and Jim. They were more than happy to name check Dave and Don but I don't think they were named at all through the gig. That's a shame really, since, without them, we wouldn't be seeing Dave and Don. I couldn't help but think a couple of times, that, although this wasn't SLADE, that was the original guitar and the original drums to all those songs I grew up with and loved. There in front of me were two of the heroes of my youth and yes, they ended with a rousing version of 'Merry Christmas Everybody' with them all in Santa hats.

I shall still believe that a proper reunion of SLADE is possible but until then I'll be happy with what I can get. And, of course, I can't wait for the DVD!

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