Friday, 18 January 2008

Baby Poota

I am the proud custodian of a new addition to the family - Baby Poota.

Baby was acquired today with minimum fuss but the stirrings of much love. He's a Vaio, deep blue on the outside and silver inside. He's not broadbanded up and all that yet (I'll do that at the weekend when I've got time) but he's lovely.

He's shiny.


  1. Pah! Baby wants to live with *me* now...

  2. Grrr! So do you have the matching blue slip case and mouse and (rubbish) mouse mat too?

    I DO!

  3. Um.. my Vaio has a silver top.

    And is 2 years and 4 months old next week.

    It's lovely.

    I don't think I could do without i..


